Enrichment Week 2017: Health and Well-being for Years 7,8, 9 and 12

Posted on: 17/07/2017

In school, we ran an enrichment programme based on the theme of “Health and Wellbeing” on Monday, 17th July; Tuesday, 18th July and Wednesday, 19th July. Departments delivered lessons on these 3 days thematically. Students followed their normal timetable but each department delivered their subject with the theme of “Health and Wellbeing”. A range of activities took place: Student vs Staff volleyball, outside dancing, table tennis, football tournaments and juggling! Students wrote a reflection booklet throughout the week where they considered ways in which they could adopt a more healthier lifestyle. The GCSE Media Studies students in Year 9 created a video showcasing the week which was shared with the whole school. 

Juggling enrichment (5) DSC 0621