
The School Governing Board operates a regular review cycle of all policies in line with statutory guidance.  School Policies can be downloaded by clicking the attachments below.

If you would like to request copies of the policies translated into any of the following languages using google translation, please click on the icon at the top of the screen or send an email to admin@hatchend.harrow.sch.uk.

If you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please email Mr D Farrar at dfarrar@hatchend.harrow.sch.uk.


Date of Last Review

Accessibility Action Plan

April 2024

Admissions Policy 2023/2024

Updated December 2021

Admissions Policy 2024/2025

Updated December 2022

Admissions Policy 2025/2026 Updated December 2023

Anti-Bullying Policy

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Assessment Policy

Updated 2023 - 2024

Assessment Policy Appendices

Updated 2023 - 2024

Asset Management and Depreciation Policy

February 2021

Attendance Policy

September 2023

Behaviour Policy (including exclusions arrangements)

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Behaviour Policy Appendices

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Bereavement Policy

September 2023

Parent/Carer Code of Conduct Policy

June 2023

Careers Policy

July 2023

Careers Provider Access Policy

July 2023

Charging Policy

March 2024

Collective Worship Policy

September 2020

Complaints Policy and Procedure

July 2023

Curriculum Policy

Updated February 2023

Data Protection Policy 

June 2023

Drug and Substance Abuse Policy

February 2021

Early Career Teacher Policy  December 2023
Equal Opportunities Policy

March 2023

Equal Opportunities Policy Appendices March 2023
Equality Information and Objectives April 2023 - March 2024

Examinations Policy

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Examination Policy Appendices

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Non-Examinations Assessment Policy inc Appendices Academic Year 2023 - 2024
Freedom of Information Policy November 2023
Health and Safety Policy October 2023
Homework Policy September 2023
Homework Policy Appendix September 2023
Home School Agreement June 2023
ICT Policy October 2023
Lettings Policy March 2024
More Able Policy November 2021
Online Safety Policy January 2023
Physical Intervention Policy Academic Year 2023 - 2024
Privacy Policy - Students March 2023
Recruitment Policy November 2020
Relationships and Health Education Policy June 2023
Relationships and Health Education Policy Appendices June 2023
Religious Education Policy November 2023
Safeguarding Policy September 2023
School Records Management Policy April 2021
School Trips Policy June 2023
SEN Policy September 2021
Spiritual Moral Social Cultural Development Policy February 2023
Student Health and Wellbeing Policy October 2023
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy September 2023
Teaching and Learning Policy Updated September 2022
Teaching and Learning Policy Appendices Updated September 2022
Uniform and Dress Policy September 2023
Whistleblowing Policy October 2021