Partnership Working

We believe that successful schools do not exist in a vacuum but rather look outwards to work alongside, other schools both primary and secondary in the local Harrow area and beyond.

To ensure our young people flourish, the partnerships that we develop on behalf of our students is integral to our success. Our partnerships are far reaching as we continue to play an important part in our local community and reaching out into the wider world with national, international and global organisations. These strong collaborative partnerships enrich our curriculum offer and provide students with unique opportunities, which support and enhance their learning including trips, motivational speakers, visits and mentoring. Above all, the partnership activities broaden our students’ horizons, taking their learning beyond the classroom and providing a unique insight.

We have actively developed strong partnerships with some very prestigious institutions, including Cambridge University, UCL, Paediatric Department at Northwick Park Hospital and the British Paediatric Association, Teach First, Watford Football Club and Cern, Switzerland.

Find out more about the richness and diversity of our offer by following the links below:

Primary Schools

Our transition work with many local feeder schools is recognised as outstanding and we pride ourselves on ensuring a smooth but exciting induction programme between the primary and secondary phases of education.

We run an extensive variety of curriculum and other enriching activities from challenging and interactive Science days in our bespoke state of the art laboratories to creative arts sessions in our first class performance studios and Great Hall, the largest in the borough of Harrow.

Primary schools regularly request our expertise in the delivery of KS2 projects and we write and deliver bespoke lessons either going into the primaries or inviting them to come in and use specialist facilities for science and DT. These sessions are designed to supplement and complement the KS2 Schemes of Learning and to set a whole range of challenges for children including leadership skills, building confidence and esteem and encouraging them to aim high at all times.

During 2023/24, we have supported a range of primary projects see below for some examples:

SCHOOL(S) participating Project
Cedars Manor and St Teresa’s Primary schools  Students from these two schools attended a series of rehearsals for the school production of Bugsy Malone and too part alongside students from HEHS in the 4 performances,
Cedars Manor, Weald Rise, Harrow Kid’s Chori and Marlborough Schools 

Winter Concert 6th December 2023 

HEHS visiting Cedars Manor to teach their choir as part of this project to cover some absence. 

MDU/PPE visited Weald Rise to teach the finale song to Year 4. 

CONCERT – Full house -  all tickets sold and we raised just under £1000-00 towards the School Production. 

Very positive feedback received from this event. 

Weald Rise

MDU worked with 60 Year 4 students on the water cycle.

Water Cycle Certificates

Total of 1000 children from across primaries above and additional schools

500 in the morning and 500 in the afternoon to watch a matinee performance of “Bugsy Malone” as an introduction to LIVE THEATRE

500 students booked in for MORNING  

  • Cedars Manor – 120 students 
  • Weald Rise – 60 students 
  • Marlborough – 180 students   
  • Grimsdyke – 90 students 

Afternoon bookings to date 24/11 

  • Elmgrove – 120 students 
  • Pinner Park – 124 students 
  • St Teresa’s - 55 students  

 Arts Workshop at Weald Rise 

Great Fire of London teaching session run by HEGS staff to support the KS2 curriculum. 

Marlborough School Production  HEHS designed and built a raft for their Year 6 production of “Moana”.

Oxhey Wood

Weald Rise

Both schools sent 60 students each to complete Science workshops in chemistry and physics delivered at HEHS to make use of science laboratories.
Cedars Manor Year 4 – Roald Dahl session delivered with Year 4 to support their KS2 learning at Cedars Manor.



St Jerome's

HEHS PE ambassadors and OCR students supported School Sports Days at 3 primaries.
St Teresa’s Year 2 classes attended HEHS for an Art workshop on Tuesday 4th and Tuesday 11th June to complete a rainforest project.

In 2024-25, we have dedicated timetable periods in MFL, Art and Design and Science to deliver a number of bookable sessions for primaries – more to follow on this exciting development.

In addition, HEHS will be inviting up to 1000 primary school students to two matinee performances of “Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat” in March 2025.


Community Partnerships

We play an integral part in our local community where we regularly host a wide range of large scale events. We hosted the Community Winter Concert in December 2024 and have plans in place for another in Dec 2025, involving HEHS and at least 5 community groups and primaries. We will also be hosting the Primary School Debate Mate Competition for Harrow in January 2025. We actively seek to support local, national and global charities – raising money and highlighting key issues through assemblies and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). In addition, we seek to build active working partnerships. Recent examples include: 

HOPES Project/Watford Football Club Community Project – working in partnership with 30 KS3 students using sport and PCSHE type sessions to learn to become more resilient and problem solve. This was a huge success, and we are aiming to repeat the experience in the next academic year. 

Local Care Home Connections

Prior to Covid, Hatch End High School would invite up to 100 Senior Citizens to join us from local residential homes and the local community for a Christmas Party and singalong. The Covid-19 pandemic meant a change of direction - if the Seniors could not come to us, it meant we reached out to them. We set up a link with Kent House Residential Care Home in Harrow and wrote to the staff and residents all through the Lockdowns. Performances and workshops have continued but at 'outside' settings at the care homes. Students also painted a range of artwork to mark festivals, which they displayed around the home and we sang carols outside. We also continue to design, make and produce individualised Christmas Cards for the residents of Kent House and Rowanweald Homes, and supply hampers during the holidays.

We also visit the Kailash Manor Care Home at least once a term with students who have completed their DEMENTIA CARE CERTIFICATE at HEHS to work with residents on arts projects.

We are excited to announce that we will  be working more closely with local community organisation from Spring 2025 when all students in Years 7and 8 will complete extracurricular lessons based on learning more about and getting more involved in the local community. We will update you as the project unfolds. 

The Harrow Collegiate

Hatch End High School plays an active role in the effective collaboration that exists amongst high schools in Harrow.  The schools worked together to establish sixth form provision, and to admit Year 7 for the first time in 2010.  Local high schools have also collaborated to take advantage of freedoms offered to establish new schools, initially opening The Jubilee Academy in 2013 as an alternative provision high school to improve outcomes for students who were not fulfilling their potential in mainstream schools.  The schools are also responsible for establishing Pinner High School, which opened in September 2016, and for Harrow View Primary School, which is due to open as part of the redevelopment of the Kodak site.  Hatch End High School is a member of the Academy Trusts responsible for Jubilee, Pinner High and Harrow View.  

Hatch End High School has worked successfully in partnership with the Harrow Sixth Form Collegiate over the past decade to deliver an outstandingly wide choice of academic and vocational courses. The collegiate incorporates the Community Schools and Academies’ Sixth Form Provision as well as the local colleges. A common timetable enables students to choose subjects on offer in more than one institution and staff have worked collaboratively to plan detailed schemes of work and develop high quality resources. We have also used our combined purchasing power to facilitate additional preparation sessions for our students, for example weekend workshops for Year 12 students who are about to undertake the BMAT (Medical School Admission Test) and visits from Accounting firms such as Deliotte who have promoted apprenticeship and non-degree entry routes into accounting as a career.

Higher Education

Hatch End High School has also worked successfully in partnership with Higher Education to deliver excellent opportunities for our students. Students applying to the most competitive institutions have benefited from face-to-face and e-mentoring from existing undergraduates including some of our own Alumni. We have also supported students in attending programmes which encourage application to the most competitive courses and institutions, for example the Pathways to Law Programme with Kings College London and the LSE Choice Programme which offers students a week long residential experience of like at the LSE and then a series of trips and weekend workshops; one of our staff has been involved with the LSE in the planning and delivery of the Choice programme. Additionally, our extra-curricular provision has been strengthened by two alumni from University College London who have been offering a ‘Formula One in schools’ enrichment activity.

Harrow Collegiate Alliance (HCA)

We are proud to be a very active Strategic Partner of the Harrow Collegiate Alliance. HCA is a network of 24 schools both primary and secondary predominantly in the Harrow local authority. Together we have established a strong network which is rooted in the principles of collaboration, excellence and challenge. 

The Alliance has a strong portfolio of Professional Development that is delivered by Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders and teachers from across the Alliance with external specialist input for some programmes. A comprehensive programme addresses professional learning needs of all members of the school workforce with programmes for teaching assistants, aspiring teachers and support staff. Another comprehensive pedagogy programme is complemented by a suite of leadership programmes from ‘First Steps into Middle Leadership’ through to the ‘Aspiring Headship Programme’. Additional programmes are on offer in coaching and mentoring and secondments between schools are available and middle and senior leadership level. A growing Research and Development focus and a School Based Masters Degree Programme, in collaboration with St Mary's University, ensure that our professional learning programme is grounded in an evidence base which is used to inform practice; with teachers across the schools increasingly becoming research engaged as they participate in small scale teacher enquiry projects. The Alliance also offers the revised suite of NPQ qualifications for Middle and Senior leaders through its partnership with the Teach West London Teaching School Hub.

Teacher Training

Hatch End High School has a long history of working in partnership with The Institute of Education and Teach West London SCITT to deliver outstanding Initial Teacher Training programmes. We are part of the nationally acclaimed Teach First Trainee programme and support staff from the UK and abroad to attain Qualified Teacher Status. We work collaboratively with a range of training institutions to train teachers and future school leaders; ensuring that the training fits with our school ethos and equips participants to meet the needs of our students.  We run our own ECF programme in collaboration with Nower Hill High School with Teach West London as our Appropriate Body. For more information about our training programmes please click here.


We work extensively with other agencies, for example WISH, CAMHS, Anna Freud Centre, Josh Hanson Trust, Keeping Families Together, Safer Schools Officer to ensure our young people feel safe and are free from harm.