Sixth Form

Welcome to our high performing and consistently excellent Sixth Form. 

If you are interested in joining us you will find a wealth of information on these pages to support you and an application form. In addition, if you have further questions or would like to book a meeting with a member of the Sixth Form team or a Careers Advisor, please contact us on


We are delighted that our consistently excellent Sixth Form A Level results have been acclaimed yet again by the nationally recognised ALPS organisation (A Level Performance System).

A Level report school benchmarks"This certificate is testament not just to the hard work and stamina of our students over the past three years, but also the skill and dedication of staff and tireless support from parents. It is because of our consistently excellent Sixth Form results that such high proportions of our students go on to study at 'Top Third' and Russell Group universities." - Mr P. Richards, Head of Sixth Form


As the above certificate demonstrates, Hatch End High Sixth Form offers the opportunity to develop a wide range of academic and personal skills within a supportive, structured environment.


Destinations and Future Choices

Our Students Personal Journeys

Post 16 Exam Results

Applying to our Sixth Form


Understanding more about our school

Hear from our students about their own personal journeys in the Sixth Form. 

Our entry criteria are very inclusive and every year we have significantly more applicants than we have places for. All entrants to our Sixth Form are expected to work hard, commit to our educational expectations and play a full and active role in school life.

Most students choose four ‘AS’ Level subjects in Year 12 and will then concentrate on three ‘A’ Level subjects in Year 13. However we also offer BTEC Nationals (A Level equivalent) in Applied Science, Business Studies, and Performing Arts. More than a third of our Sixth Form students take a BTEC National course.

We prepare the overwhelming majority of our Year 13 students to enter Higher Education, but we also provide extensive support to those students who choose to progress on to apprenticeships, college courses or work-based training.  In addition to their academic studies, students pursue a PCSHE (Personal, Citizenship, Social, Health, Education)  programme that includes career planning, study and work skills development, and active citizenship as well as Physical Education and Religious Education in line with Government guidelines.

To enable our students to maximise their chances of success, we have a strong and comprehensive assembly, tutorial and pastoral support programme that allows students access to their tutors for over two hours per fortnight, enabling them to benefit from supplementary guidance to that given by subject staff and the Sixth Form Management Team.

Sixth Form life at Hatch End High School is one of involvement. It is demanding as well as rewarding for students who approach their post-16 studies with the desired attitude and energy. Students’ lives are also enriched by the variety of extra-curricular activities, additional responsibilities and work experiences.