Student Voice

HEHS Voice & Choice LogoHatch End High School believes it has a responsibility to engage students as partners throughout education, particularly in the decision making that affects them every single day. We aim to put democracy into action with students being consulted through both “elected” and “selected” student systems.

  • Each term PCSHE/Assembly devotes a distinct ONE HOUR session for ALL students for STUDENT VOICE. 

  • Each half-term, several TUTOR periods for ALL students are devoted to STUDENT VOICE. 

  • The rationale is to empower ALL students - to give EVERY student the opportunity to express themselves in writing or in a discussion. 

  • We have Year Councils - elected from each tutor groups in the school Years 7-11 as below: 

Level 1 - YEAR COUNCILS: Years 7-11 

  • Each tutor group elects 2 reps as follows to attend a Year Council once a half term during PCSHE. To be chaired by the YTA. 

  • Rep 1 - Community Rep: Anti-Bullying / Fundraising/ Campaigns / Local Community issues 

  • Rep 2 - School Rep: General issues from within school - Lessons / Learning / Enrichment 

Basic job descriptions are detailed below:

Community Rep School Rep

To be responsible for considering charity and/or fundraising events 

To be aware of local community issues and raise any ideas/complaints/praise 

To be aware and lead on ANTI-BULLYING issues. Think about support mechanisms 

To raise issues on teaching and learning including the Behaviour Policy with any questions or issues arising. 

To consider enrichment/trips issues 

To raise any issues regarding the school premises/services e.g. food  


  • Each Year Council selects 2 representatives to sit on the SCHOOL COUNCIL, which sits each term and is chaired by a Year 12 Team. 

Level 2 - Main School Council run by a Sixth Form Panel and will follow the Year Councils - 2 weeks later. 

  • SIXTH FORM PANEL to be elected by Year 12 and Year 13 and will run the Council and collect views and represent Sixth Form as a whole 

  • 2 reps from each year group (7-11), with one of each category representing their year group  

    Sixth Form to run School Council 

    Deputy Chair 
    Minute taker 
    Events and Campaign Managers 
    2 Support Workers 

  • The Senior Leadership Team selects one / two aspects of school life for students to discuss and provide feedback centrally.  

  • The School Council feeds back to all HEHS stakeholders. 

  • In addition, VOICE and CHOICE is aiming to encourage our students to stand up for something they believe in and aim to make a difference. All students at HEHS will be given the opportunity to sign up to ACTION GROUPS working towards making a difference. 

  • Year 13 have a Student Committee who are committed to supporting a wide range of school and community-based projects and they aim to support younger students. 

School Council Meeting Summary