Headteacher's Welcome

IMG 4451   OK for website (and propsectus if no group photos)   Copy“The school’s core values of cooperation, ambition, respect and empathy underpin all aspects of school life. The school strives to provide the same high-quality education to all pupils. Leaders work to overcome any challenges that pupils face.” Ofsted 2024 

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Hatch End High School.  It is an enormous privilege to be the Headteacher of this warm, happy and academically successful school.  We support and challenge all our students to make exceptional progress and achieve their full potential. We see on a daily basis the way in which everyone within the school community so clearly exemplifies the CARE values of Co-operation, Ambition, Respect and Empathy and the individual support that is offered to all students.  We know that the high expectations, outstanding teaching and creative dedication of staff combined with the enthusiasm, discipline and ambition of students is what makes Hatch End a fantastic place to study, develop and excel.  

Academic success is vital; at Hatch End we have an uncompromising and relentless focus on the quality of teaching and learning. Hatch End High School is consistently in the top performing schools nationally for A-level and GCSE achievement.  This academic excellence is paralleled by our equal commitment to develop the personalities, talents and abilities of all our students. We invest in pastoral care and wellbeing provision because we care about and are committed to each and every individual student’s academic outcomes and personal wellbeing.  This means always working hard to ensure that every student will be nurtured and enriched in a supportive and challenging academic environment.  

Ofsted picked up immediately on the palpable sense of inclusion, nurturing and rigour at Hatch End High School saying, “Students thrive in this school” and that, “Pupils say they feel part of a harmonious community.”   

We welcome visits from both prospective parents and other members of the community; we look forward to meeting you.  

Mrs Marianne Jeanes
MA (Oxon)