A Blooming New Start For Year 7!

Posted on: 25/09/2019

Firstly, a big WELCOME to Hatch End High School to all our new Year 7 students who have had a busy first couple of weeks; spending a day at Kew Gardens getting to know their fellow classmates, sitting CATs tests, following their new timetables, finding their way around a much larger school than they are used to and generally settling in.

As you cannot fail to have noticed, our new building is now finally complete! We have waited many years for such an upgrade to our facilities and now that it’s finally operational, we know that everyone will be able to enjoy and benefit from this state-of-the-art teaching and learning space. We will be having an official Opening Ceremony later in the term, but in the meantime, I would like to wish all our students and staff a warm welcome back.

Many of last year’s Year 11 students have now joined our Sixth Form, and we congratulate them on their successes in the summer examinations. We will be celebrating many of their academic achievements along with a variety of other good news stories in future editions of this newsletter.

Finally, I wish you all a productive and enjoyable term.

Ms Sue Maguire