Posted on: 15/06/2018

The Year 9 BTEC Health and Social Care group has been hard at work completing their first coursework unit - Health and Social care services and values. In order to satisfy the criteria of the course, the students had to organise and run a children’s party which would allow them to demonstrate the core care values which underpin Health and Social Care.

The Care values are: -

• Promoting effective communication and relationships

• Promoting anti-discriminatory practice (including policies and codes of practice)

• Maintaining confidentiality of information

• Promoting and supporting individuals’ rights to dignity, independence, empowerment, choice and safety.

• Acknowledging individuals’ personal beliefs and identity and respecting diversity

• Protecting individuals from abuse

• Providing individualised care

Sixty pupils from St. Teresa’s primary school were invited to attend the ‘pirate’ themed party, and it is safe to say they all had a great time. Our Year 9s were attentive and very well organised and ensured all of the younger children were happy and engaged. There were craft activities, a competition for the best pirate plate and ‘pass the parcel’ which were all carefully supervised by our students.

Last, but not least, every child went home with a pirate themed party bag, filled with goodies. The party was a resounding success. Our students clearly demonstrated all of the care values but also the schools care values of Co­operation, Ambition, Respect and Excellence throughout the planning and running of the party. Well done, Year 9s!

Mrs Beccan

Head of Department

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