Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Posted on: 25/03/2022

This week at Hatch End High School we have been celebrating Neurodiversity Celebration Week in the glorious sunshine! Neurodiversity is the idea that we are all different and experience the world in unique ways. Some people have ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Tourette's and these are just some examples of the wide ranging neurodiversity across human beings.

During Neurodiversity Celebration Week, we have been learning about these conditions, challenging stereotypes, and celebrating the positive aspects of the different ways people perceive and engage with the world.

At break times, students have been able to participate in themed activities each day,  highlighting the strengths and positive aspects of each condition. Students have been involved in problem solving team games, spaghetti tower building challenges, as well as a film screening of The Middle, which features an autistic character called Brick.

At the end of the week, students participated in a delicious bake sale, raising awareness and funds for The National Autistic Society and The ADHD Foundation.

In tutor time, students have also been learning about Neurodiversity and writing kind messages to the neurodiverse community on stars, which will be displayed outside the canteen as a reminder of what we have learnt this week.

A big thank you to staff and students who have helped to organise these events, designed posters and made Neurodiversity Celebration Week an incredible success!

Article written by Miss Randell, Communication Support Worker

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